Green’s Dictionary of Slang

queer for adj.

[the origin is queer adj. (5), but there need be no actual homosexuality involved]

obsessed with, sexually or otherwise.

[US]B. Schulberg What Makes Sammy Run? (1992) 188: I don’t know whether I’m just getting soft or whether I’m queer for you.
[US]J. Adams From Gags to Riches 244: ‘Why does he marry so often?’ [...] ‘I think he’s queer for rice.’.
[US]‘Swasarnt Nerf’ et al. Gay Girl’s Guide 18: The following words or phrases are frequently used, seriously or facetiously, in a sense the same as, or equivalent to, their meaning in straight English (Slang) [...] queer (for).
[US]‘William Lee’ Junkie (1966) 25: ‘I’m queer for Jack,’ she said.
[US]‘Ed Lacy’ Men from the Boys (1967) 104: Harold was also queer for expensive cars.
[US]H.S. Thompson Hell’s Angels (1967) 100: Anybody who has ever owned one of the beasts will always be a little bit queer for them.
[US](con. c.1970) G. Hasford Short Timers (1985) 10: You queer for Private Cowboy’s gear? You smoke his pole?
[US](con. 1949) G. Pelecanos Big Blowdown (1999) 283: ‘Tell him that Pete Karras sent his love.’ Boyle chuckled wryly. ‘What, are you two queer for each other or somethin?’.
[US]C. Cook Robbers (2001) 314: Was it him you was queer for?