Green’s Dictionary of Slang

marihooch n.

also marahoochie, marijooani
[joc. mispron.]

(drugs) marijuana.

[US]L. Bangs in Psychotic Reactions (1988) 80: An ace bomber of absolutely atomic North African marihooch.
[US]J. Stahl Perv (2001) 253: Careful, Handsome, that’s not just marahoochie you’re snarfin’.
[UK]N. Barlay Crumple Zone 12: That doesn’t include six tons of marijooani kept under the floorboards.
A. Bourdain Gone Bamboo [ebook] ‘Ya got any more a’ this marahoochie you can leave with me?’ asked Charlie, enjoying the last of the torpedo-size spliff.
J. Thompson Year We Left Home 56: Wishing he’d managed to smoke a little marahoochie. Half a joint still in his shirt pocket.