Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mynheer n.

generic for the Dutch.

King William’s Blessed Deliverance 1: Myn-heer. [...] Whilst Myn-heer Dutch-londer / With England shall join their Vengeance and Thunder ’gainst Jemmy!
[UK] ‘Canary-Birds Naturaliz’d’ Collection of Eng. Poetry (1716) II 10: Who in common Sense can think, / That Monsieur’s Jean, or Myn Heer’s Blink, / Will ever to us prove so civil, As hold the candle to the Devil?
[UK]Fielding Tumble-Down Dick title page: Invented by the Ingenious Monsieur Sans Esprit. / The Musick compos’d by the Harmonious Signior Warblerini. / And the Scenes painted by the Prodigious Mynheer Van Bottom-Flat.
[Ind]Hicky’s Bengal Gaz. 14-21 Apr. n.p.: The Mynheers are [...] enraptured with their new French Alliance.
[UK]J. Messink Choice of Harlequin II ix: With Parker and Rodney we’ll trim the mounseer; / We’ll tickle the Spaniard, and wing the mynheer.
[Ire]J. O’Keeffe Fontainebleau in Dramatic Works (1798) II 237: Mynheer prefering goot French dram, Gets Prussian kicks at Amsterdam.
Hants. Chron 2 Dec. 4/1: A Salt Eel for Mynheer [...] ‘Oui, oui,’ cries Mounseer; ‘Si, Signor,’ says the Don; Mynheer smokes his pipe and cries ‘Yaw’.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Jan. XI 235/1: When Duncan on the briny wave, / Was battering with Mynheer.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Nov. XXI 104/1: He oftner did appear / Not as Mineur, but, Dutchman-like, Mynheer.
[US]N. Ames Mariner’s Sketches 7: The mynheers conceiving it a species of nautical high treason to shorten the distance.
J.R. Planché Court Favour Act I: I hate the Dutch [...] Sink the mynheers – I would they were all drowned in their own ditches.
[UK]Sam Cowell [perf.] ‘The Cork Leg’ 🎵 The fine shape gave Mynheer delight / And he fixed it on and screwed it tight.
[Ind]‘Mr Carlisle’ Stray Leaves 234: A pretty stiff allowance, certainly!—but the words are a libel on Mynheer. For my part, 1 think the Dutch a fine set of fellows.
[UK]Soldiers’ Stories and Sailors’ Yarns 26: It is a hot, [...] old-fashioned town of Dutch origin [...] which, even when the Mynheers held possession, was worth no end of rix-dollars to their State.
[US]Jeffersonian (Stroudsburg, PA) 20 Oct. 1/1: ‘You goot corned beef, hey?’ says Dutchy [...] ‘You got sourkrout, too, hey?’ Our honest Mynheer ordered up his dinner.