Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lerricompoop v.

[? link to lerrycometwang n. or dial. lerry, a whim, a caprice; note also SE liripoop, the long tail hanging down from a graduate’s hood — potentially seen as phallic, and dial. lerrick, to beat, to flog]

to have sexual intercourse.

[UK]D’Urfey Comical Hist. of Don Quixote Pt 3 III i: Hoy, were e’er two Sisters so Lerricom Poop’d.
[UK]‘Bumper Allnight. Esquire’ Honest Fellow 99: And all the day long, / This was her song, / Was ever a maiden so liricompoop’d?
[UK]A. Crowley Snowdrops from a Curate’s Garden 24: Let us lerricompoop! said Wilhelmina, in a voice thick with lust and marred by Martin’s pillicock, which was tickling her tonsils.