Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dweezle n.

also dweasal, dweezil
[ety. unknown; ? a development of dweeb n.]

(US campus) a socially inept person.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 7: nerd [...] Also dork, dweasal.
[SA]P. Slabolepszy ‘Boo to the Moon’ in Mooi Street (1994) 113: You know you are a dweezil so you think it’s stupid. Myself, I think it’s brilliant.
J. Dustman ‘The Last Dance’ Log 30 Dec. on USS Knight NCC-4141 🌐 And frankly, he’s a nerd, a dweezle, and well....a...a Little terms of how he communicates outside his core officers.