Green’s Dictionary of Slang

zubrick n.

also zoobrick
[Arabic zubrak, the penis]

(Aus./US gay) the penis.

[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 35: Penis [...] zubrick.
Library Jrnl 617/1: This veck Kubrick or Zubrick (that being the Arab eemya for a grahzny veshch) which is like now at last being made flesh and all that cal, was to have a Book [...] And lashings of deng for the carmans of Zubrick.
V. Scannell Soldiering On 54: Compree mon Kamerad? Jig-jig, parley-voo, Shufti zubrick, quois-kateer San fairy ann, napoo.
J.D. Landis Longing 43: A tiny, skinny girl with big hands was like a little man with a huge zubrick, disproportionately admired, inequitably skilled.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper 4 94: They have been smoking zoobricks ever since they got here.