Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ixnay adv.

[pig Lat., the reverse of nix]

(US) no.

in Goulding & Mason Broadway Melody [film script] Ixnay! Ixnay! [HDAS].
[US]N. Davis ‘Kansas City Flash’ in Ruhm Hard-Boiled Detective (1977) 78: Mark Hull shook his head. ‘Ixnay. I like trouble.’.
[US]R. Sale ‘A Nose for News’ in Goulart (1967) 199: Ixnay on the pathos. Let’s get it over.
[UK]J. Curtis There Ain’t No Justice 69: That crook of a guv’nor’ll be here in a minute, breaking his neck to sign you up for a series of fights in his hall. Tell him its ixnay.
[US]R.L. Bellem ‘Coffin for a Coward’ in Hollywood Detective Dec. 🌐 ‘Is she the one that knifed Bonham?’ ‘Ix-nay,’ I said.
[Can]M. Richler Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1964) 180: ‘Maybe I oughta go with you?’ ‘Ixnay.’.
[US]R.D. Abrahams Deep Down in the Jungle 193: ‘Brethren and sistren, I take my text tonight from the sixteenth chapter of Habbakuk [sic] where it says—uh, uh—‘thou who sees me, and thinks that you knows me, ixnay-ackencray [‘nix cracks,’ say nothing, in pig latin]’.
[US]J. Roe The Same Old Grind 208: ‘Ixnay. I maybe through with Shakespeare but not with show business’.
[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 9: Like a fool I told him ixnay.
[US](con. 1949) G. Pelecanos Big Blowdown (1999) 152: Ixnay. No these fat ones.
[US]E. Bunker Mr Blue 310: ‘Ixnay . . . ixnay,’ said one policeman. I remember it clearly because it was a term I hadn’t heard since school. Ixnay! What kinda shit is that?
[UK]Guardian Guide 4–10 Dec. 12: Which, inexplicably, meant ixnay on the pump-action Berettas.
G. Sandusky Mishaps and Miracles 212: Gerry, ixnay the itshay.