Green’s Dictionary of Slang

squid n.1

1. (Aus., also squidlet) a (young) woman [playing on fish n.1 ].

[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 1 Feb. 12/3: They Say [...] Long Joe has been trying to catch a fresh squid, but failed. He has now become a womanhater. [...] Jerry is great on the Norwood squids lately. He said he will never become a womanhater.
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 27 Mar. 3/5: Caddy stop going to Wallaroo and look after your own squid .
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 4/5: Snowy J. and . W. N. were not game to put in on their squidlets until Aunty left.

2. (Aus.) a young man.

[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 31 Dec. 5/1: Alice S ought to leave off going with that little squid of her’s [sic].

3. (Can., also squidjigger) any resident of the Maritime provinces [fishing jargon squidjigging, fishing for squid with a baited hook that one ‘jigs’ in the hope of luring one’s target].

[Can]Vancouver Sun (BC) 5 Mar. 23 June : The ‘squid jiggers’ were returning with empty dories.
[Can]Nanaimo Dly News (BC) 18 Mar. 8/3: He became a Newfoundlander politically, and ever since he has represented a few thousand squid-jiggers in parliament.
[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 171: Squid, Squidjigger Squidjigging is a common method of fishing for squid, involving jiggling a baited hook. By extension, all fishermen are Squids and Squidjiggers. By further extension, this includes all sailors and then all residents of nautical communities. In Canada, a Squidjigger is any resident of the Maritime provinces.
[Can]Gazette (Montreal) 13 Sept. 23/6: Next thing you know the squid-jiggers from down home will be moving their lobster pots here.

4. (US) a member of the US Navy.

[US]T. Whitmore Memphis-Nam-Sweden 104: My white buddy was itching to have a brawl with these four squids, Nobody liked the Navy. ‘Hey, squid, don’t you know that everyone here is a wounded vet from Nam?’.
G. Pelecanos Nick’s Trip : Pooter was an amiable squid who lived off base in a decaying suburb of the city.

5. (US campus, also squidbrain) a fool, an incompetent.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 5: squid – a loser, a person who is socially repulsive.
[Can]Totally True Diaries of an Eighties Roller Queen 🌐 26 Apr. We looked around for some tokes and couldn’t find any so we crashed some squid’s party down the road.
[Can]Edmonton Jrnl (Alberta) 28 Jan. 2/4: ‘Hey, when I’m talkin’ to you, squidbrain, you listen’.
G. Larsen Far Side Gallery [cartoon caption] Hey! I’m talkin’ to YOU, squidbrain!
[Aus]T. Winton Lockie Leonard: Scumbuster (1995) 122: Come on, Lockie, don’t be a squid.
[US]Hope College ‘Dict. of New Terms’ 🌐 squid n. Untalented, uncoordinated, clumsy. Adolescent boys used this word in the 1980s to describe boys that lacked athletic ability.

6. (Aus. teen/US campus) a particularly hard worker.

[US]L. Birnbach Official Preppie Hbk 90: 13 Words For The Person Who Is Working — 1. Grind 2. Squid 3. Pencil Geek 4. Cereb 5. Grub 6. Weenie 7. Throat 8. Tool 9. Wonk 10. Gome 11. Nerd 12. Spider 13. Conch.
[US]J. Doyle College Sl. Dict. 🌐 Squid [USC] someone who always studies, especially on Friday nights.
[Aus]G. Seal Lingo 104: Someone who did not fit the norms of the group in any way, such as being over-fond of academic studies, was called a squid and, in a continuation or revival of 1950s youthspeak, was square.

7. a fast, dangerous driver.

[US]J. Wambaugh Finnegan’s Week 61: ‘Lotta squids around here,’ Shelby said. [...] ‘Fast bad drivers, Squids.’.