Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hand jive v.

[jive v.1 (3)]

1. to feign a hand-slap for the purpose of passing money and drugs between a customer and a dealer.

[US]Sepe & Telano Cop Team 56: ‘Hand jiving’ [...] is a simple, sweeping slap of hands that is universally practised by sellers and buyers of narcotics on public streets.

2. (US) to masturbate, usu. someone else.

[US]W. Brown Tragic Magic 112: With all that funky hand-jivin between your legs you lucky your brains ain’t scrambled more than they are.

3. (US) to move and slap the hands in time to the rhythm of music.

[UK]A. Close Official and Doubtful 289: In a far corner two women in short-sleeved blouses are handjiving to the song’s final chorus.
[UK]Guardian Weekend 18 Sept. 76: An hour of hand-jiving and hair-combing later, he was still asking the same question.