Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Model T adj.

also T Model
[the inexpensive Ford Model T motorcar, last manufactured in 1927]

(US) out-of-date, cheap; also as n.

[UK](con. 1929) R.E. Burns I Am a Fugitive 172: He drove an old model-T that could not make over twenty miles an hour.
[US]R. Chandler High Window 90: I hear how in Noo York they got elevators that just whiz [...] Must take a good man to run them fast babies. [...] Now you take a Model T job like this – it takes a man to run it.
[US]W. Guthrie Bound for Glory (1969) 175: We moved in an old T Model truck.
[Scot]Post (Lanarks) 23 Apr. 6/2: Model T — old.