Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spiflication n.

[spiflicate v.]

absolute destruction.

‘Jon Bee’ Dict. of Turf, etc. 163: A man is deserving of spiflication who cannot hold his tongue, but will speak to harm a fellow-mortal .
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 4 July 3/2: The defendants rushed out, threatening him with all sorts of spiflication, and if he did not cut his stick they would smash his — sconce.
[UK]Talfourd & Seymour Sir Rupert, the Fearless I iii: Their war cry is ‘Revenge and spiflication!’.
R.F. Burton El. Medinah I 264: Whose blood he vowed to drink – the Oriental form of threatening spiflication [F&H].
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 15 June 3/2: A court crammed, as a spectator put it, to ‘spifflication’.
C.J.C. Hyne Further Adventures Captain Kettle ix n.p.: ‘Very well. Den we shall spiflicate you until you do.’ ‘I wonder what spiflication is,’ mused Kettle [F&H].
[US]C.L. Cullen Tales of the Ex-Tanks 201: A couple of the tars [...] were jagged to the point of spiflication.