Green’s Dictionary of Slang

touched adj.

[SE touched, mentally unstable]


[UK]Egan Life in London (1869) 41: When noisy rattles collect together the dissipated ramblers touched with the potent juice of Bacchus.
[UK]Punch XIII 213/2: His drunken vocabulary consists of Lushy, Screwy, Groggy, Touched, Elevated, and innumerable others.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. (2nd edn).
[UK]Taunton Courier 19 Aug. 8/5: A man might be either ‘clipped,’ ‘touched,’ [...] ‘toppy’.
[Aus]Mercury (Hobart) 23 Apr. 2/5: [from the Stranraer Free Press] [...] spiffed [...] rather touched [...] elevated.
Montrose, Agroath & Brechin Rev. 31 Jan. 2/4: They drunkard’d progress [...] First of all he has just been ‘tastin’.’ Then he is ‘a wee touched’.