Green’s Dictionary of Slang

chesky n.

also cheskey
[Czech czezki, pron. chesky]

(US) a derog. term for a Czech immigrant.

[US]T. Čapek Čechs in America 114: In some localities Bohemians are called ‘Bohoes’, in others ‘Bohunks’; less familiar are the terms ‘Cheskey’ and ‘Bootchkey’ .
[US]Mencken Amer. Lang. Supplement I (1975) 602: In regions where Czech immigrants are numerous cheskey is frequently heard. Monsignor Dudek says that it is ‘an attempted transliteration of the Bohemian adjective cesky (Czech).’.
[US]PADS 42 40: Both of the very old forms czezski (or chesky) and butchsky were offered by an old German who remembered using those terms in her youth on the West Side of Chicago.