Green’s Dictionary of Slang

turned on adj.

[turn on v.]

1. (US) intoxicated, esp. by drugs.

[US]L. Block Diet of Treacle (2008) 16: Stoned, smashed, blind, turned on and flying so high.
[US](con. 1953–7) L. Yablonsky Violent Gang (1967) 81: He seemed quieter than the others, and might possibly have been ‘turned on’ drugs.
[UK]M. Novotny Kings Road 146: Anything that might give me a kick – I’ll try it all. I often get turned-on.
[UK]‘Derek Raymond’ He Died with His Eyes Open 104: I’ve heard it said that you’re not all that hot in the sack. But if you’re turned on all the time that’s hardly surprising.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 22: Turned on — Introduced to drugs; under the influence.

2. sexually stimulated.

[US]Baker et al. CUSS 215: Turned on Sexually aroused.
[US]L. Kramer Faggots 31: Fred realized, horror of horrors, that he was getting turned on.
[US]P. Califia Macho Sluts 37: You’re so turned on, I think I could make you come right now.
[US]‘Master Pimp’ Pimp’s Rap 62: I could tell that Candy was really getting turned on with this dike.
[US]T. Dorsey Atomic Lobster 105: A little bit ago I thought she was the hottest chick I’d ever seen, but for some reason I’m not that turned on anymore.

3. excited, moved.

[US]D. Di Prima Memoirs of a Beatnik 164: [D]ishing out beef stew [I] found myself in the middle of Howl by Allen Ginsberg. Put down the ladle, and [...] was caught up immediately in that sad, powerful opening: ‘I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness...’ I was too turned on to concern myself with the stew.
[US]R. Daley Target Blue 34: If Durk’s got these [college] kids all turned on, he needs a place where he can put them.