Green’s Dictionary of Slang

knee v.

to hit someone in the testicles with one’s knee.

[UK](con. 1835–40) P. Herring Bold Bendigo 7: Sam Turner picked him up, and ‘kneed’ him.
[US]R. Chandler ‘Red Wind’ in Red Wind (1946) 31: I sank and kneed him with all my strength, in the groin.
[Aus]W. Dick Bunch of Ratbags 90: Yuh dirty cow, yuh hadta knee him ta do him.
[US](con. 1916) G. Swarthout Tin Lizzie Troop (1978) 50: Had she been a man [...] he’d have kneed her in the crotch.
[Ire]J. Healy Grass Arena (1990) 98: I kneed him in the balls. He bent down, holding his crutch.
[Ire]R. Doyle Snapper 130: Then she lifted her leg and kneed him.
[US]F. Kellerman Stalker (2001) 552: Once more Decker kneed him and pushed him down.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 13: I kneed his nuts as he dropped.

In phrases

knee it (v.) [‘From being on one’s knees to pray, to show awe and adoration and to offer service, with an added sexual connotation of being on one’s knees to perform fellatio, lit. to “suck up”]’ Looser (2001)]

(N.Z. prison) to curry favours (from prison officers or powerful inmates) to as to exp[perience a stress-free sentence.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 101/2: knee it v. to curry favour from prison authorities or respected inmates in order to get through one’s sentence easily. order to get through one’s sentence easily.
knee it up (v.)

(N.Z. prison) to curry favours (from prison officers or powerful inmates) to as to exp[perience a stress-free sentence.

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 101/2: knee it up v. to spend most of one’s time asleep on one’s cell bunk.