Green’s Dictionary of Slang

boldrumptious adj.

[SE bold + rumpus]


[UK]Wright Dict. Obsolete and Provincial Eng. 233/2: BOLDRUMPTIOUS, adj. Presumptuous. Kent.
Pubs of Eng. Dial. Soc 27 16: BOLDRUMPTIOUS [boa'ldrumshus or bold'rumshus] adj. Presumptuous. ‘That there upstandin’ boldrumptious blousing gal of yours came blarin’ down to our house last night all about nothin’; I be purty nigh tired of it.
[UK] J. Wright EDD.
[UK]Manchester Courier 26 Aug. 10/5: The ‘Daily Telegraph’ says: ‘Ministers on Saturday were in their most ‘boldrumptious’ mood.
[UK]Taunton Courier 26 Apr. 10/2: Bowldacious — in Kent this is boldrumptious. It means presumptious.