Green’s Dictionary of Slang

boogie n.3

[SE bougie, ‘a thin flexible surgical instrument made of waxed linen, india-rubber, metal, etc., for introduction into the passages of the body, for the purpose of exploration, dilatation, or medication’ (OED); see cite 1931;the tool was used for STDs although the notorious Tuskegee experiments (clandestinely inducing African-American prisoners with syphilis) did not start until 1932]


[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS.

In compounds

boogie house (n.) [the prevalence of syphilis]

1. (US prison, also boogie) the prison hospital .

[US]J. Tully Jarnegan (1928) 31: The ‘big house’ was the penitentiary itself. The hospital was the ‘boogie’.
[US]Irwin Amer. Tramp and Und. Sl. 34: Boogie. – [...] a prison hospital ; in this sense the word arises from the fact that many of the men who require treatment are suffering from a disease which renders the use of a bougie necessary.
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn).

2. see also boogie house under boogie n.4