Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cliff-dweller n.

[SE cliff dwellers, a tribe of Native Americans living literally in cliffs in the Southwest]

(US) one who lives in a skyscraper apartment block, esp. in New York City; thus cliff-dwelling adj.

[US]G. Bronson-Howard Enemy to Society 329: Don’t let me hear you talking like that again, you black-muzzled, cliff-dwelling kike!
[US]O.O. McIntyre New York Day by Day 9 May [synd. col.] This [i.e. greedy, talkative lift boys] is one pest that is the bane of every cliff dweller in New York.
[US]O.O. McIntyre Bits of New York Life 25 Feb. [synd. col.] The man who invents some haven for abandoned razor blades for Manhattan cliff dwellers will be performing a service that should result in grateful citizens.
[US]L. Lariar Day I Died 205: I’ve always been a city man, a cliff-dweller type.
[US]Wentworth & Flexner DAS.
[UK]J. McClure Spike Island (1981) 20: All those cliff-dwellers in the high-rise flats.
[US](con. 1890s) I.L. Allen City in Sl. (1995) 118: By about 1890 the growing number of residents were sardonically called cliff dwellers.