Green’s Dictionary of Slang

kamptulicon n.

[brandname Kamptulicon, from Greek kamptos (‘flexible’) + oulos (‘thick’), a floor covering made from powdered cork and natural rubber]

(Aus.) the canvas ‘floor’ of a boxing ring.

[Aus]Sportsman (Melbourne) 6 Aug. 2/3: The fourth round saw some forceful exchanges, and countering from the recoil of one of which Wright reached the kamptulicon for a whiel.
[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 30 Nov. 6/2: He sent Ferrier to the kamptulicon with a sweet right jolt to the jaw.
[Aus]Truth (Perth) 1 Aug. 2/7: He hauled off and coppied the C[ockney]. C[hampion]. one on the lug that sent bim to the Kamptulicon — where he got a mouthful of sawdust.