Green’s Dictionary of Slang

toot n.3

[? dial. tut, a small seat or toot v.2 ]

1. excrement, thus fig. nonsense.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1250: since (?) mid-C.20.
Twitter 7 June 🌐 That Michael Sheen story really is a load of old toot.

2. (Aus.) a lavatory.

[Aus]J. O’Grady Aussie Eng. (1966) 36: Dyke – A toilet. Also known as a ‘dunny’, a ‘shouse’, a ‘toot.’.
[Aus]A. Chipper Aussie Swearers Guide 33: You can stay at home, get shickered [...] and have a good chunder in your own loo, la-la, toot or diddy.
J. O’Grady There was Kid 56: There are many euphemisms for dunnies, such as [...] loos, lalas, toots [AND].
[UK]J. McDonald Dict. of Obscenity etc.
[UK]Guardian Rev. 3 Sept. 19: Bashful references to ‘toot’ and ‘ladies.’.

3. (US) the act of breaking wind.

News Jrnl (Wilmington, DE) 14 Nov. F4/4: When gas heads south — usually called a fart, an air biscuit or a toot [etc].

In phrases

in the toot (adv.)

in trouble, facing problems.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 1250: [...] since (?) mid-C.20.