Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grounder n.

[something that is either on the ground or knocks one to the ground]

1. a knock-down blow.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (1984) 507/2: from late 1880s.

2. (US) a cigarette that is picked up from the ground to be smoked.

[US]J.A. Russell ‘Colgate University Sl.’ in AS V:3 239: Grounder: a used cigarette, picked up nonchalantly. ‘Jim has been reduced to using grounders.’.
Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 fielding grounders v 1. to search the ground for already-smoked yet salvageable cigarette butts. Note: usually performed by homeless. (‘Hey, isn’t that your dad fielding grounders?’).

3. (US drugs) a barbiturate.

[US] oral testimony in Lighter HDAS I 977/2: He was selling coke, smack, uppers, downers, grounders – everything [...] Grounders are the same as downers.
R. Miller Profane Men 167: Reds, ludes, [...] grounders [HDAS].