Green’s Dictionary of Slang

smell n.

SE in slang use

In derivatives

smellful (adj.)

(Aus.) distasteful, corrupt.

[Aus]Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW) 30 Jan. 3/3: The smellful nature of the ‘Trots’ at Albion Park have resulted in the proprietors wiping the event off the list.

In compounds

smell-wagon (n.)

(US) an automobile.

[US]Ade ‘The New Fable of the Aerial Performer’ Ade’s Fables 201: If Bob had not speeded so far into the Country in the Smell-Wagon, there would have been no Flat Tire.

In phrases

not have a smell (v.)

(Irish) to be completely outclassed by.

[Ire]P. McCabe Breakfast on Pluto 49: You want to hear their version of ‘With a Little Help from my Friends’ — Joe Cocker doesn’t have a smell.