Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Beeb n.

[pron. of BB(C)]

the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

[UK]M. Laski private communication: Beeb. My daughter, who works in the B.B.C., always calls it so [OED].
[UK]New Scientist 6 Feb. 338: The Beeb is to be congratulated on this new venture.
[UK]P. Muldoon ‘The Soap-Pig’ in Meeting the British 25: [...] Drama Producer with the still-reputable Beeb, / where I had somehow wangled a job.
[UK]Guardian Media 21 June 3: BBC managers unhesitatingly backed Simpson [...] the maverick globe-trotter who thinks the Beeb is over-stuffed with ‘suits’.
[UK]Indep. 60 Sept. 3: Desperate not to be accused of being ‘soft greenies’ by the rightwing press, the Beeb has decided that global warming is too hot an issue.
[UK]Times 30 Apr. 17/3: Back at the Beeb, Huw was busking on the topic of military bands.
[UK]Observer (London) 15 May 42/1: The temptation is to see the latest BBC Charter melodramas as merely St George (or maybe St Beeeb) and the Dragon.