Green’s Dictionary of Slang

grizzly n.

[SE grizzly bear]

1. (US) a brute.

[US]‘Edmund Kirke’ My Southern Friends 57: Smash his mug! Pluck the grizzly! Hurrah for Smith!
[US]C. Heath A-Team 2 (1984) 172: We’re gonna draw those grizzlies out there, turn ’em around and force ’em to run a very special gauntlet.
[US]E. Bunker Mr Blue 255: He still looked like a grizzly to me.

2. a Russian; the Russian people [bear n. (2)].

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 25 Apr. 14/2: But soon there came a rumour which bursted up all his serenity of mind – the Russians were off Cape Otway, and the Victorian police were wanted to defend their country against the ‘Grizzly.’.

3. (US black) an unattractive woman [bear n. (1c)].

[US]Current Sl. V:2.