Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sugar-candy n.

[rhy. sl.]


[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc.
[UK]Sl. Dict.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Bath Chron. 4 Aug. 25/6: An enthusiast arrived [...] to quote: ‘Sugar candy,’ brandy; ‘ship in full sail,’ a pot of ale; ‘navigator Scot,’ baked potatoes all hot; ‘Joe Savage,’ a cabbage; ‘bowl the hoop,’ soup; ‘Billy Button,’ mutton.
[UK]‘William Juniper’ True Drunkard’s Delight.
[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl.
[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.