Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gimme n.

[SE give me]

1. (Aus.) an acquisitive, greedy woman.

[[US]N. Putnam West Broadway 190: ‘Hey, you! [...] That'll be fifty cents"’ ‘Can you beat it,’ says Jim after he had paid her [...] ‘She’s got not only cooties, but gimmies!’].
L.W. Lower Here’s Luck (1955) 61: She kissed me on the ear. She was a gimme, but twenty years of life fell from me [AND].
[Aus]G. Barry Bed and Bored 122: ‘He doesn’t want to leave his knock-kneed, buck-toothed, brass-eyed gimme for a while!’ ‘Tough. Actually she is not such a bad looking bird.’.
[US]S.M. Jones August Snow [ebook] ‘Rose is a legacy employee with a titanium-clad employment contract. She’s a gimme’.

2. (US) greed, ‘something for nothing’.

[US]S. Lewis It Can’t Happen Here 90: ‘Gaw! Every guy in the country with a bad case of the gimmes comes to see me!’ he growled.

3. (also gimmee, gimmie) something given away for free, or a bargain.

[NZ]G. Slatter Pagan Game (1969) 172: Tank Tarrant was in the game for what he could get out of it, the trips overseas, the gimmes, the goodies, the free booze.
[US]W. Diehl Hooligans (2003) 9: What you got here, you got a major racetrack, and a beauty. [...] A classy track, okay? That’s a gimmee.
[US]Pileggi & Scorsese Goodfellas [film script] 19: All of them were gimmie’s.
[Aus]Penguin Book of All-New Aus. Jokes 166: Pick it up! It’s a gimme [of a shot in golf].

4. (UK Und.) a bribe.

[UK]K. Sampson Outlaws (ms.) 10: With all the gimmes and dropsies and once we’ve factored in Eli’s take we’ll be left with a good half million.

5. (US black) a given.

[US]B. Coleman Check the Technique 332: ‘I was smoking a lot of weed back then, that's a gimme’.

In compounds

gimme cap (n.) (also gimmee cap) [the practice of emblazoning objects with a logo and offering them free in order to spread the brandname began with cigarette papers, which were given away free with the purchase of loose tobacco. Buyers would demand Give me... a pack of papers, a cap or whatever was on offer]

(US) a baseball cap carrying the logo of a sports team, manufacturer or other commercial institution.

[US] in Texas Monthly Jan. 143: Anglers in gimme caps advertising machine shops or bait stands [HDAS].
[US]E. Weiner Howard the Duck 116: Three grinning truckers in green mesh gimme caps.
[US]W. Gibson All Tomorrow’s Parties 139: Those nylon baseball caps [...] MY mother used to call those ‘gimme caps.’.
[US]C. Cook Robbers (2001) 170: A black gimmee cap advertising Bolivar Barge Company sat above a wide forehead.
A.A. Fox Real Country 9: [...] scraping the carbon off a tiny piece from a lawnmower engine’s carburetor with a pin that he kept in his gimme cap.
gimme girl (n.)

(US) a greedy, materialistic young woman.

[US]M. Fiaschetti You Gotta Be Rough 184: She was a good kid, as I told you, but she was naturally one of those gimme girls.
M. Maddox Llantarnam 23: Later on she would be called the ‘gimme girl’ [...] always living beyond her means.
Horn Book Rev. of ‘Princess Penelope’s Parrot’ at 🌐 Chubby-cheeked Princess Penelope is a gimme girl. For her birthday she gets, among other things, a sixteen-wheeler bike, a dress with ‘ruffles on its ruffles on its ruffles,’ and a parrot.
gimme guy (n.)

(US) a beggar, one who solicits loans.

[US]Indep. Press-Telegram (Long Beach, CA) Southland Mag. 25 Oct. 24/5: Usually this type of ‘gimme guy’s’ take is not excessive because he knocks off ‘work’ when he’s raised enough money to drink himself into oblivion.