Green’s Dictionary of Slang

goosed adj.

[goose v.1 (1)]

1. ruined, finished.

[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. 46: GOOSED, ruined, or spoilt.
[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. [as cit. 1859].
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 8 Dec. 42/2: ‘Bob,’ said Dan feelingly, ‘the game’s goosed; ’M off back ter the station. Ol’ man, I never ’ad s’ha time ’n me life.’.
[Aus]Aussie (France) IX Dec. 19/2: I watched it whizz past and blowed if I hadn’t missed again, I had only one left and I knew I was goosed if I didn’t get him this time.
[UK]F. Anthony ‘Gus Buys a Horse’ in Me And Gus (1977) 20: Everybody knows a horse is goosed after it has cleared out once.

2. (Aus./US) drunk.

[UK]B. Baynton ‘Billy Skywonkie’ Bush Studies 91: By cripes, there ’e is – goosed already, an’ ’e on’y got ’is cheque las’ night. On the chimney side of the shanty a man lay in agitated sleep. [...] He had emptied the bottle lying at his feet.
[US]B. Hamper Rivethead (1992) 133: I remember the steering gear man showed up absolutely goosed to the gills.

3. (Aus.) fooled.

[Aus]G.H. Lawson Dict. of Aus. Words And Terms 🌐 GOOSED—Fooled.

4. (Irish) emotionally shattered.

[Ire]L. McInerney Blood Miracles : He’s too goosed to be mortified.