Green’s Dictionary of Slang

poggle adj.

(Anglo-Ind.) eccentric, crazy.

[Ind]I.T. Prichard How to Manage It 173: [E]ven the faithful and gallant little band of sepoys [...] were afraid to go near the ‘poggle sahib’ (the mad sahib), as they called him.
[[Ind]‘Mr Carlisle’ Stray Leaves 38: The natives [...] reported to my friend [...] that I was ‘paugul ho guya’ — literally ‘gone foolish’ or mad].
[UK]Kipling ‘William the Conqueror’ in Day’s Work 206: ‘For two nights, Heaven-born, he was pagal’ said Faiz Ullah.
[Ind]F.S. Smythe Kamet Conquered 273: His devotion to duty was praiseworthy, but, as Birnie said, he was a ‘poggle admi,’ which is a phonetically descriptive expression in Hindustani meaning fool or madman.