Green’s Dictionary of Slang

thunder and lightning! excl.

also thunder and blazes! lightning! ...damnation! ...earthquakes!! ...gimlets!
[var. on synon. Ger. Donner und Blitzen!]

a general excl. of fury, surprise, indignation etc.

[Ire]S. Lover Handy Andy 47: ‘Oh, thunder and lightning!’ growled the doctor.
[US]W.T. Thompson Chronicles of Pineville 170: Thunder and Lightnin’! [...] I’ve shot old Blaze!
[UK]T. Buckley Sydenham Greenfinch 38: ‘[Y]ou won’t do me, s’help me thunder and fish-hooks!’.
[US]Nashville Union & American (TN) 18 May 2/3: Thunder and lightning! everybody come here with shot-guns, six-shooters and butcher-knives!
[US]Broadway Belle (NY) 24 Sept. n.p.: ‘Thunder and airthquakers — look at ’im!’.
[US]E. Eggleston Hoosier School-Master (1892) 69: Thunder and Lightning! what a manager you air, Mr. Hartsook!
[UK]Burnley Exp. 19 Feb. 3/5: [from Hartford Times] He dashed them upon the floor and jumped up and down on them [...] repeating the words, ‘Thunder and gimlets, cool enough’ — ‘Jerusalem crickets, cool enough’ — ‘By the jumping Jehosiphat, cool enough’.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 1 Aug. 5/3: Followers of Mark Foy? Thunder and blazes, what a conjunction!
[UK]Marvel 27 Oct. 391: Thunder and lightning, it was locked, too!
[US]H.E. Rollins ‘A West Texas Word List’ in DN IV:iii 229: thunder and blue lightning, interj.
[US](con. 1916) G. Swarthout Tin Lizzie Troop (1978) 14: ‘Thunder and damnation’ said Stanley Dinkle.