Green’s Dictionary of Slang

death! excl.

1. (also death and furies!, ...goblins!) a general excl.

[UK]Dryden An Evening’s Love II i: Death! I shall have all Madrid about me within these two Days.
[UK]Behn Rover V i: Death, I think she’s in earnest.
[UK]T. Shadwell Squire of Alsatia II ii: Death! What shall we do? This is the bully’s father.
E. Settle The world in the moon 17: Sir Dot. Death and Goblins! what's here?
[UK]Cibber Love Makes a Man II i: Death! you Dog, discover him.
[UK]Farquhar Twin-Rivals II iv: Death and furies! I’ll be revenged!
[UK]Cibber Rival Fools II i: Death! she courts the Coxcomb!
[UK]Vanbrugh & Cibber Provoked Husband V i: Death, Madam!
[UK]J. Miller Humours of Oxford IV ii: Death! I shall lose my Cause, if I don’t take care.
[UK]Braggadochio 81: Death! had any other Man interrupted me—.
[UK]G. Colman Oxonian in Town II iii: Paid it! Death!
[UK]Sheridan Trip to Scarborough I i: ’Sdeath and furies! why was that coxcomb thrust into the world before me?
[UK]H. Cowley Belle’s Stratagem I i: Death and fire!
[Ire]J. O’Keeffe Sprigs of Laurel 15: Death and ’ounds!
[UK]Morn. Post (London) 25 Apr. 3/1: He cried — he roar’d [...] Death! Hell! and Furies! what dost thou do there?
[UK] ‘The Devil and Johnny Dixon’ in Bentley’s Misc. Mar. 255: ‘Death and nouns!’ says I.
[US]R.M. Bird Nick of the Woods III 180: Death and furies!
[Ire]Waterford Chron. 26 Aug. 1/5: Death-a-nekurs, will the allies ever do anything [...] worthy of themselves?
[Scot]Fife Herald 12 Dec. 4/2: Ha! Death and furies seize thee!
[UK]Sheffield Dly Teleg. 1 June 2/3: ‘Sdeath and furies, what does she [etc.].
[UK]Dly Gaz. for Middlesborough 30 July 4/4: ‘Death and furies!’ was the angry exclamation as the pitcher of water fell.
[UK]J. Braine Room at the Top (1959) 36: Oh hell and death, I’m late!

2. (US campus) an excl. of approval or admiration [on bad = good model].

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Spring.