Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sard v.

[10C when the Lindisfarne Gospel used it in its translation of Matt. 5:27, ‘Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery’. By the 17C it was the basis of a Nottingham proverb, ‘Go teach your Grandma to sard’, but vanished soon afterwards. It is one of Florio’s synons. for Ital. fottere]

to copulate; cit. 1624 is double entendre.

[[UK] Lindisfarne Gospel Matt. v. 27 n.p.: Ne ser δ δu o δres mones wif [OED]].
[UK]Palsgrave Lesclarcissement de la Langue Francoyse n.p.: Verbes: Sarde a queene [...] foutre. They say there was a lorde in Englande asked [...] if she was nat well sarded.
[Scot]D. Lyndsay Satyre of Thrie Estaits II (1604) 103: Bot nocht in thir Bischops nor thir Freirs, Quhilk will for purging of their neirs. Sard vp ta raw, and doun the vther, The mekill Devill resaue the fidder.
[UK]Florio Worlde of Wordes n.p.: Fottere, to iape, to sard. [...] Fottarie, iapings, sardings.
[[UK]J. Howell i in Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ 17: Go, teach your grandam tо sard, a Nottingham proverb].
J. Taylor Praise of Cleane Linnen II 170: This catso [...] fled for safety to the Ile of Sardinia, where for his good parts and free behauiour, he was entertained by the most beautifull Madam Meretricia, the [...] sole heire of Baloclitus, King of Sardis.