Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dibbi dibbi adj.

also dibby-dibby, dibi dibi
[? pron. of SE little]

(W.I./UK black teen) stupid, useless, not resourceful, worthless; of a woman, promiscuous.

in C. Cooper Noises in the Blood 154: Dibi-dibi gyal, ear ow yu vulgar! Come aaf a mi phone, an mek mi prosper.
[WI]Francis-Jackson Official Dancehall Dict. 14: Dibby-dibby (Ja. derog.) low life: u. dibby-dibby bwoy.
[US]L. Stavsky et al. A2Z 27/2: dibi dibi [...] That boy is too dibi dibi to survive on the street.
K. O’Brien Reggae Roots et al. 193: There was a time when rich uptowners scorned deejay music as ‘dibbi dibbi’ rubbish.