flavor n.
1. (US drugs) top quality cocaine.
Crackhouse 148: flavor (pronounced flav-vor) the best cocaine available for freebasing cocaine, or freebase that tastes exceptionally good. |
2. (US black) style.
🎵 So check the flavor that I’m bringin. | ‘Keep Their Headz Ringin’||
Hip-Hop Connection Jan. 75: Full-on ghetto style street soul, R&B and rap flavours. |
3. (US black) attractiveness; thus an attractive young woman.
Sl. and Sociability 83: Matters of sex and women account for 43 terms, for example, flavor ‘a sexually attractive woman’. |
4. (US prison) a branded cigarette.
Other Side of the Wall: Prisoner’s Dict. July 🌐 Flavors: Brand name cigarettes or cigarettes received from outside the canteen. |