Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tearjerking adj.

also tearjerker, tear-yanking
[backform. f. tearjerker n.]

maudlin, sentimental.

[US]A. Baer Two & Three 24 Jan. [synd. col.] Leading the tear-jerking procession will be a professional pall-bearer carrying a bar towel at half mast.
[US]T. Thursday ‘Pay Out West’ in Western Outlaws Dec. 🌐 Then they sang a flock of tear-jerking songs.
[US]G. Milburn Hobo’s Hornbook 136: All the elements of the tear-yanking hobo ballad are to be found in the stew-bum’s story.
[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 29 Mar. [synd. col.] Watch out for tearjerker histories of the 100 Neediest Gallery Gods.
[UK]R. Garland Heart in Exile 185: I think the author [...] is trying to engage your sympathy: ‘Pity us poor buggers.’ Which explains the tear-jerker title.
[UK]K. Amis letter 23 Jan. in Leader (2000) 363: ‘Kingsley Amis’s uproarious, side-splitting, tear-jerking, cock-standing’ etc.
[US]D. Woodrell Muscle for the Wing 208: Reviving from his tearjerker dream, Leon embarked on an act of solo bravado.