Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Boystown n.

[pun on Boys Town, a celebrated home for delinquent boys]

(gay) the predominantly homosexual neighbourhood of West Hollywood; later also used of an area near Wrigley Field in Chicago.

[US]J. Blake letter 28 March in Joint (1972) 206: He had in mind a kind of soap operatic commercial for faggotry, passion-in-the-pen style – Boystown Meets Queenstown.
[US]M. Baker Nam (1982) 221: I’d be happy as a punk in Boys’ Town.
[US]J. Ridley Love Is a Racket 299: And they were beautiful, too, all the boys in Boy’s Town.
[US](con. 1994) J.A. Juarez Brotherhood of Corruption 180: The 23rd District, located in the heart of Chicago’s gay community near Wrigley Field and often referred to as Boys Town, was the home of the Nitwit Police.