Green’s Dictionary of Slang

riz adj.

[SE rise]

(Irish/US) annoyed.

[US]Public Ledger (Phila.) 27 July n.p.: That riz Deb’s ebenezer [DA].
[US]R.M. Bird Nick of the Woods III 233: They’ve riz my ebenezer.
[US]W.T. Thompson Chronicles of Pineville 29: The Sweeny blood was ‘riz’ – and blind not only with rage, but by reason of his hat still being over his eyes.
[UK]Sportsman (London) 2 Feb. 2/1: But there is a limit to human endurance; and we are inclined to think that there are few whose ‘dander’ will not be riz.
[US]Ade Girl Proposition 115: There came a Day when the Plain Husband riz up.
[Ire]K.F. Purdon Dinny on the Doorstep 21: She’s worse itself; has a temper that bates the world, and can curse down the stars out of the skies, when she gets ‘riz’.
[Ire]W. Burrowes Riordans 90: When he heard that Jude had been propositioned by John-Joe, the landlord, he was riz, as only he can be riz.
[Ire]W.F Marshall ‘Me an’ Me Da’ in Livin’ in Drumlister 32: Keep far away from them that’s thin, / Their temper’s aisy riz.