Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dicksucking adj.

[dicksucker n. (2)]

1. unpleasant, disgusting, a general term of abuse.

[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Mama Black Widow 83: You nasty dick sucking bitch, stay away from my husband.

2. effeminate, homosexual.

[US]J. Roe The Same Old Grind 120: ‘You sure you’re not some dicksucking fruit? Do you take it up your ass?’.
[US]P. Conroy Great Santini (1977) 371: The most limp-wristed, lily-livered, dick-sucking squadron in the history of flight.
[US]F.X. Toole Rope Burns 183: You muthufucka slave-tradin’ po-lice dick-suckin faggot piece a redneck dogshit.