Green’s Dictionary of Slang

vamp n.2

[vamp v.1 (1)]

1. a robbery.

[UK]J. Greenwood Seven Curses of London 88: Convicted of thieving – in for a vamp.
[Aus]D.V. Lucas Aus. and Homeward 334: Some of their slang may be interesting [...] convicted of stealing and sentenced, in for a vamp.

2. a robber.

[UK]Cumberland Pacquet 31 Dec. 4/1: The plagues of us Authors are ne’er at an End [...] to be curb’d by some Titlepage Dealer [...] ’Tis shameful to think how the scurvy Knaves use us [...] that close-fisted Fellow, my Publisher Vamp.
[US]H. Green Actors’ Boarding House (1906) 264: ‘He’s a robber!’ said Topeka. [...] Mrs. de Shine recovered her old-time form. ‘Yuh vamp, Bill de Shine!’.