Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sopor n.

also soap, soaper, soper
[brandname of Sopor, a form of methaqualone, but note SE soporific]

(drugs) any form of barbiturate drug, usu. methaqualone.

[US]Smith & Gay Heroin in Perspective 206: Soaper. Quaalude.
[US]Newsweek 12 Feb. 65: An apparently insatiable market for the ‘sopers’ (catchall slang for the several brands of methaqualone).
[US]Science News 10 Mar. 152: Methaqualone—known on the streets as sopor or quaalude—is a nonbarbiturate hypnotic downer.
[US]D.E. Miller Bk of Jargon 338: sopors, soapers, soaps: Methaqualone.
G. Pelecanos Nick’s Trip 75: Omajian [...] ate a soper and drank some beers at his desk.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 20: Sopers — Depressants.