carpet knight n.
1. (also carpet-captain, carpet-champion, carpet lover, carpet-monger, carpet squire, carpet warrior) a man whose ‘knightly exploits’ concentrate on the boudoir rather than the battlefield.
Bk of Sicke Men and Medicenes fol. 73: When the people did see him daunce so lively, like a lubber in a nette, Lord how thei laughed this Carpet Squire to skorne. | ||
Ovid XII 673: [Achilles is] by that coward carpet knyght beereeved of his lyfe. | ||
Art of Flattery 8th dialogue 39: Then came in Sir Cupid like a carpet knight. | ||
Mamillia II 94: He must needes be a Carpet Knight: for they thinke it is as hard to lyue without loue as without meat. | ||
Four Letters Confuted in Works II (1883–4) 219: Ouid [...] shrouded a picked effeminate Carpet Knight vnder the fictionate person of Hermophroditus. | ||
Much Ado About Nothing V ii: Leander the good swimmer, Troilus the first employer of pandars, and a whole bookful of these quondam carpet-mongers. | ||
(trans.) Tasso XVI 32: From all the world, buried in sloth and shame, A carpet champion for a wanton dame. | ||
Dict. of Fr. and Eng. Tongues n.p.: Dameret, An effeminate fondling, or fond carpet knight; one that spends his whole time in entertaining or courting women. | ||
Unnatural Combat III iii: Your carpet Knights, That never charg’d beyond a mistresse lips. | ||
Works (1869) II 49: To drinke a health to some vnworthy Lord: / Some fusty Madam, or some carpet Knight. | Taylors Motto in||
Womens sharpe revenge 97: Verily he was a dainty perfum’d carpet Captaine, a powdred Potentate, a painted periwig [etc]. | ||
in Choyce Drollery (1876) 71: Then into England straight he came / As fast as he was able, / Where he made many a Carpet Knight, / Though none of the Round Table. | ||
Virgil Travestie (1765) Bk I 34: And I Æneas fam’d in Fight; / But much more for a Carpet-Knight. | ||
Scoffer Scoff’d (1765) 180: It will be requisite, / If thou wilt turn a Carpet-Knight. | ||
Famous history of Sir Billy of Billerecay 199: I shall proclaim thee the most Cowardly Carpet Knight that ever wore Sword, only valiant in Voice, but at the fight of an Enemy ready to run away from thy self. | ||
catalogue n.p.: Pendragon: or, The Carpet Knight's Kalendar. A Poem. | ||
in Pills to Purge Melancholy IV 276: Brave Carpet Knights in Cupid’s Fights, their milk-white Rapiers drew. | ||
Life in Paris 217: A carpet knight ‘Who capers nimbly in a lady’s chamber’. | ||
Gaslight and Daylight 181: Some spoony lords, some carpet warriors, some tenth transmitters of a foolish face. | ||
Bell’s Life in Tasmania 12 July 4/4: [T]he housohold troops ‘who live at home at ease’ may be looked upon as ‘carpet knights’. | ||
My Diary in America II 207: Very jovial citizen soldiers they are – not mere carpet knights, but distinguished as having been among the earliest to volunteer in this monstrous war. | ||
Manchester Courier 2 June 5/6: He was severely wounded in the Crimea, and has often proved himsel to be no carpet knight. | ||
Leeds Times 4 Feb. 6/4: To be a Carpet-Warrior nowadays needs a considerable deal of money, blood, or interest. | ||
Aus. Sl. Dict. 15: Carpet Knight, a lady’s man. | ||
Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 5: Adonis, m. A lady’s man; ‘a carpet-knight’; ‘a tame cat’. | ||
Bucky O’Connor (1910) 180: These follies are but for a carpet lover. | ||
Digger Dialects 17: cold footer — a carpet knight. |
2. a man who frequents drawing rooms rather than places of work.
Fraser’s Mag. Jan. 79/2: The symptoms of genius breed in our minds just so many suspicions, till genius itself must [...] pass upwards from the ranks to the command ; or it will be derided as a mere carpet warrior — a gay popinjay of scarlet and feathers. | ||
Carlisle Jrnl 1 June 5/2: [He] expressed [the] disgust with which the army regarded the promotion of this carpet-warrior to one of the posts professedly reserved for old and distinguished soldiers. | ||
Sailor’s Word-Bk (1991) 165: Carpet-Knight. A man who obtains knighthood on a pretence for services in which he never participated. | ||
Knocking About in N.Z. 127: If he had not been restrained and hampered by the ‘penny wise and pound foolish’ system which some miserable carpet-knights have fostered and encouraged, the news of the fatal affair [...] would never have been told. | ||
Punch 15 Oct. 178: ‘SUR LE TAPIS.’ — If the new Carpet Knight, Sir BLONDEL MAPLE [...] be exceptionally successful on the Turf, isn’t he just the man to ‘make his “pile” and cut it’? | ||
Truth (Sydney) 21 Apr. 1/3: The accusations of untruthfulness hurled at this paper by [...] that veritable carpet-knight Sir Arthur Renwick, recoil on their aggressive heads . |