Green’s Dictionary of Slang

jujubes n.

also jubes
[SE jujube, a suckable lozenge, flavoured so as to represent the jujube fruit (Zizyphus vulgaris). Jujube is a very much altered form of the orig. Gk zizuphon]

the female breasts, occas. the male pectorals.

[UK]R. Hauser Homosexual Society Appendix 3 167: Jubes, breasts.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 35: female breasts [...] jubes (Brit gay sl, ?fr rhyming sl = boobs).
S. McAughtry McAughtry’s War 79: ‘Hello, soldier,’ she cried, clasping me tightly to a pair of jujubes that felt like zeppelins, ends-on.
A. Richter Lang. of Sexuality 52: Jubes could be rhyming slang for boobs, but as likely it could be derived from jujube, a lozenge that one sucks.
[UK] (ref. to 1930s) in Porter & Weeks Between the Acts 138: Hands are lappers, legs are lallipegs, breasts are jubes, eyes are ocals or opals.
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 293/2: jubes, joobs 1. breasts (female). 2. pectorals (male).