Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Minnesota adj.

In compounds

Minnesota bankroll (n.)

(US Und.) an ostensibly substantial bankroll, of which only the visible outer note is high-denomination or, in some versions, even cash.

[US]M. Braly It’s Cold Out There (2005) 242: The Minnesota bankroll, a large wad of ones with a single twenty showing.
Minnesota thirteen (n.) [the brand of corn used]

(US) an illegal brand of bourbon.

G.D. Eaton Plain Talk 386: [...] stills [...] turning out a steady supply of ‘Holdingford rye’ or ‘Minnesota Thirteen’ which is being peddled freely in every part of the State.
[US] in DARE.
(con. 1920s) H. Salisbury A Journey for Our Times 15: These were Prohibition days and some had plain pint bottles of Minnesota Thirteen, the best moonshine whiskey in the state, distilled from a corn called Minnesota 13.