Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dop v.1

[Afk. dop, to fail]

1. to fail (an examination).

Petersburg Eng. Medium School Mag. Nov. 35: As we finished the sentence on Atilla the Hun Most of us were sure of ‘dopping’ [DSAE].
Eng. Usage in Southern Afr. V:1 17: ‘I’m going to dop.’ Going to fail (an examination) [DSAE].
[SA] ‘SA English’ on 🌐 Dop [...] Alternatively, it can mean failure as in: ‘I dopped the test.’.

2. to fail (at something).

[SA] informant in DSAE (1996).
[SA]CyberBraai Lex. at 🌐 To dop is to fail. If you dopped Standard Two (Grade 4) more than once, you probably won’t be reading this.