Green’s Dictionary of Slang

big-mouthed adj.

also bigmouth

1. boastful, self-aggrandizing; thus have a big mouth, to be boastful.

[UK]J. Cooke How A Man May Choose A Good Wife From A Bad Act II: We swaggerers, That liue by oathes and big-mouth’d menaces.
[UK]J. Taylor Laugh and Be Fat 13: Let not his thundering big-mouth’d words apall thee.
[UK]R. Davenport A New Tricke to Cheat the Divell I ii: Pox upon you, we shall have you turne Puritan, Leave big mouth’d Oaths to sweare by yea and nay.
[UK]Cobbett’s Wkly Register 2 July 17/1: A woman who [...] was not found amongst her coarse-skinned, big-mouthed sisters, in the rear ranks of the stews.
[UK]Bath Chron. 16 June 3/2: Great and big-mouthed wre the outcries against the hereditary legislators.
[Aus]Northern Star (RYorks.) 24 May 9/2: He knows that in the House of Commons his big-mouthed eloquence would not be suitable.
[UK]Reynolds’s Newspaper 16 Jan. 8/4: The Tories manage matters in a [...] far more liberal spirit than our big-mouthed Radicals.
Aldershot Military Gaz. 6 Apr. 2/6: ‘Why, I am sure,’ said a big-mouthed braggadocious Captain [...] ‘that I must have looted at least [...] a bagfull of diamonds’.
[US] in T.P. Lowry Stories the Soldiers Wouldn’t Tell (1994) 41: Callin him ‘a damn big mouth son of a bitch’.
[UK]Burnley Advertiser 2 Dec. 2/78: The new Ministers feel obliged to go to war, or eat their big-mouthed promises.
[US]Lancaster Daily Intelligencer (PA) 28 Dec. 3/6: The prisoner meanwhile scouled [sic] [...] shouting, ‘You big-mouthed Porter’.
[US]S. Bailey Ups and Downs of a Crook’s Life 29: ‘Big-mouthed Scotty,’ who could pick a pocket-book [...] about as neatly as anybody.
[UK]R. Beach Pardners (1912) 118: We found him a big-mouthed, shifty, kind of man [...] full of wind as a toad fish.
[US]Salt Lake Herald (UT) 29 Nov. 17/3: I think you were present when she remarked that I have a big mouth.
Dundee, Perth [...] People’s Jrnl 25 Nov. 1/6: [headline] Big-Mouthed Talkers. ‘Deeds Not Words’, the Slogan of today. I argue that big-mouthed talk is ‘off’.
[US]E.C.L. Adams ‘Allen’s Idea of Preachers’ in Nigger to Nigger 201: Moest er dem big-mout’, big-bellied ole bastards is guh bu’s’ hell wide open.
[US](con. WWI) H. Odum Wings on My Feet 129: Boys gittin’ ready to play, joreein’ and big-mouth talkin’.
[US]‘Boxcar Bertha’ Sister of the Road (1975) 37: Sure, I’ll give you a break, you big-mouthed bastard!
Dos Passos USA 7: USA is a set of big-mouthed officials with too many bank accounts.
[UK]Burnley Exp. 19 Feb. 3/1: The crafty, cold-blooded, black-hearted, yellow-livered, bald-headed, big-mouthed, brazen-faced [...] snivelling, twisted Italian.
[Aus]D. Stivens Jimmy Brockett 54: I know what some of the big-mouthed mugs have been saying.
[Aus]J.M. Hosking ‘Match Race’ Aus. First and Last 57: You are just a bigmouth hayseed talker!
[US]H. Ellison ‘Daniel White for the Greater Good’ in Gentleman Junkie 37: . . . the big mouth crowd that hung out in Peerson’s Bowling and Billiard Center.
[US]N. Spinrad Bug Jack Barron 31: We take on some big-mouthed dum-dum like Shabazz.
[US]J. Wambaugh Choirboys (1976) 90: I can take those bigmouth kikes better than niggers.
[US]S. Longstreet Straw Boss (1979) 296: That’s my girl, snippy and big-mouthed.
[US]S. King It (1987) 441: You don’t see it because some bigmouth jig bastard filled it up!
[UK]Guardian Rev. 25 Mar. 4: The big-headed, big-mouthed Fred.
[US]C. Carr Our Town 86: ‘He came all the way from Birmingham, Alabama,’ Larry went on, ‘just to hang those stupid big-lipped rughead wide-eyed bigmouth niggers.’.
[US]T. Pluck Bad Boy Boogie [ebook] The bigmouth twin’s name was Billy.

2. noisy.

Elgin Courant 8 Jan. 4/2: As if ‘the big-mouthed thunder’ were bellowing through the vast and boundless deep.
[UK]E. Pugh Tony Drum 87: ‘Right!’ shouted the big-mouthed ostler.

3. tell-tale, informing.

[UK]Kent & Sussex Courier 19 Oct. 16/6: He [...] dragged her up and said: ‘You are a — great big-mouthed thing, crying as if you are being murdered’.
[US]Coot Grant & Socks Wilson ‘Ain’t Going to Give You None’ 🎵 If you was the right sort, I wouldn’t squawk. / But you one of them big-mouth brothers don’t care who you go to to talk.
[US]W.D. Myers Scorpions 149: ‘If it wasn’t for people talking on Randy—big-mouth people like you—he wouldn’t even be in jail today’.