Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rando n.

[abbr. SE random + -o sfx (2)]

a random person or thing.

Urban Dict. 🌐.
[US]C. Eble UNC-CH Campus Sl. 2011.
[US]Pando Quarterly Spring 53/2: Wanna wish a ‘Happy Birthday’ to some rando?
[Aus]me-stepmums-too-fuckin-hot-mate at 🌐 Crack on to some other rando that wasn’t you [...] as if.
Twitter 2 Apr. 🌐 Rando to hot chick: I like your sexy outfit. Me to rando: She doesn't care what you think.
[Ire]L. McInerney Rules of Revelation 277: She would imagine that kid suppressed by [...] ugly sweaty randos.
[US]D. Swierczynski California Bear 278: [N]othing annoyed Jack more than a total fucking rando inserting himself into other people’s business.