Green’s Dictionary of Slang

copped adj.

[cop v. (1d)]


[UK]Leaves from Diary of Celebrated Burglar 13/1: I know that when any one is ‘copped’ in there the ‘office is slung’ to the detectives, who make a thorough search of the building. [Ibid.] 44/2: The ‘wire’ was ‘copped-to-rights’ and ‘collared a stretch’.
[UK]J. Greenwood Seven Curses of London 120: Jerry, who had been recently ‘copped’ (taken) and was expected to pass ‘a tail piece in the steel’ (three months in prison).
[UK]W. Hooe Sharping London 34: Copped, caught, or apprehended for some offence.
[US]Trumble ‘On the Trail’ in Sl. Dict. (1890) 45: I was copped to rights.
[UK]Kipling ‘The God from the Machine’ in Soldiers Three (1907) 15: You was blazin’ copped when you tried to wash in the Fort Ditch.
[Aus]Crowe Aus. Sl. Dict. 19: Copped, hanged, arrested.
[UK]Marvel XV:377 Jan. 7: I mustn’t go to London [...] I should be copped at once.
[UK]E. Pugh City Of The World 273: And say you’re copped wi’ the wrong bag. Well, all you got to do is to look silly and stare at the bag and apologise.
[UK]Wodehouse Leave it to Psmith (1993) 368: If you were copped, nobody could say a word, because husband pinching from wife isn’t stealing.
[US]J. Lait Put on the Spot 30: If he’s copped for it we ain’t strong enough to go through.
[Aus]Cusack & James Come in Spinner (1960) 406: Guinea slapped Ursula on the shoulder. ‘Copped!’.
[UK]A. Baron Lowlife (2001) 170: I’ve known two or three get copped for it. Six months is about what you’d get.
[US]T. Thackrey Thief 379: I was copped like I never been copped before.
[UK]G. Norman in Norman (1921) 132: Then if I was copped I could say I was in the toilet when everybody went.