Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bog Latin n.

[the term is found as synon. with SE shelta, a form of jargon used by tinkers, which is based on Gaelic and rendered further incomprehensible to non-adepts by the inversion or arbitrary alteration of initial consonants; note SE pig Latin, pretend Latin]

1. fake Latin.

[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[Ire]Dublin Eve. Mail 27 Dec. 3/3: A little bog Latin, commonly called Priest’s Latin.
[Ire]Dublin Morn. Register 5 Aug. 2/4: So much for the English of this adept in bog Latin [...] This the ‘bookful blockhead’ takes to be right reasoning [etc.].
[UK]Satirist (London) 27 May 171/2: The Tipperary Correspondent of Morning Herald calls the Tithe Question the irrito maula malorum. Sir Claudius calls this Bog Latin, and declares he cannot understand it.
Eve. Chron. 25 Sept. 3/6: A speech of Mr O’Connell [...] makes the learned gentleman discourse bog Latin at a fine rate.
[Ire]Kilkenny Jrnl 17 Apr. 2/3: When he thinks fit to introduce a priest he is represented as a man delighting in whiskey punch and comic songs [...] interlarded with bog Latin.
[Ire]Tralee Chron. 7 Jan. n.p.: It seems but the other day that we were finally rid of John Doe and Richard Roe [...] and of John A’ Noakes and John A’ Styles in chancery proceedings; when indictments wee drawn in bog Latin and declarations in bastard Norman French.
[US]Montana Post (Virginia City, MT) 2 June 2/2: The writer [...] closes [...] with what hje intends as humorous: ‘Hick jacket Virginia.’ Bog Latin, we presume.
[US]Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Honolulu, HI) 24 Apr. 4/3: There are gushing visiting cards [...] some with bog Latin mottoes.
[UK]Grantham Jrnl 5 Mar. 8/4: I wonder if he picked up that bit of ‘bog Latin’ whilst on board ship.
Inianapolis Jrnl (IN) 21 Feb. 13/1: He even attempted a serio-Latin comic pun [...] a witticism wholly lost upon the commissioners, who didn’t even have knowledge of bog Latin.
[Aus]Truth (Sydney) 17 Feb. 1/8: Medieval monks and friars limited their learning to chanting bog Latin and indicting treatises on [...] excorcism .
[US]Chanute Times (KS) 16 Sept. 2/6: Darcy was a bit of a bog Latin scholar.
[US]Eve. World (NY) 23 Jan. 16/7: The way they sounded when announced was like bog-Latin to me.
[Ire]Joyce Ulysses 382: He was a lefthanded descendant of the famous champion bull of the Romans, Bos Bovum, which is good bog Latin for boss of the show.
V.B. Evans House in the Faythe 122: We were convinced for years that my father could speak German and a smattering of what he called bog-Latin.

2. tinkers’ Gaelic.

[Ire](con. 1940s) B. Behan Borstal Boy 311: Giving out of you in bog Latin about the Bible.
[Ire]J. Morrow Confessions of Proinsias O’Toole 74: Fuck you an’ yer bog Latin, Francie Fallis, you stinkin’ bastard!
[UK]N. Griffiths Grits 318: She only ever uses the Bog latin now when she’s talkin to erself or er dead husbands.