Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sponditious adj.

[coined by UK comedian Lenny Henry (b.1958); ? SE spontaneous + delicious]


[UK]Guardian 19 Dec. 11/6: The Lenny Henry Christmas Special [...] a totally sponditious, crucial and fresh approach to the festivities.
‘Rev. of Mask II’ in Your Sinclair Issue 26 Feb. 🌐 You know those games with brilliant graphics and astounding gameplay that are just so utterly sponditious that herds of wildebeest couldn’t drag you from your joystick?
Wexford People 16 Apr. 50/2: The Comic Relief Snappily Titled and Utterly Spondiious Stab at Explaining Why So Many People in Africa are So Damn Poor.
[UK]Guardian 3 Mar. 29/3: It was a sponditious week for reenaissance man Stephen Fry.