Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hum n.1

[abbr. humming ale n.]

strong beer.

[UK]Jonson Devil is an Ass I i: Carmen Are got into the yellow starch, and chimney sweepers To their tobacco, and strong waters, Hum, Meath and Obarni.
[UK]R. Speed Counter-Rat G2: The Blew Bore, Kept by Mad Ralph at Islington, Whose Hum and Mum, being powr’d vpon Our guts, – so burnt ’em.
[UK]J. Taylor Juniper Lecture 205: She called for her Hum Bottle and kindly dranke to them.
[UK]Witts Recreations ‘Fancies and Fantasticks’ No. 118: We abandon all Ale, and Beer that is stale, [...] and damnable hum.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Hum, or Humming Liquor, Double Ale, Stout, Pharoah.
[UK] in D’Urfey Pills to Purge Melancholy I 311: Get us stout Hum when Christmas is come.
[UK]Defoe Street Robberies Considered 32: Hum, Strong.
Blind Beggar of Bethnal-green 8: They between them tipp’d off four black Pots of Hum.
[UK]G. Stevens ‘The Hum’ Songs Comic and Satyrical 223: Take your Glass my brisk brother, and I’ll take another, / And thus make the most of a Hum.