Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mill doll v.

also mill dolly
[mill n.1 (5b) + ? SE Doll, a woman’s name, a woman’s job; ? although chronology mitigates against this, from mill doll n., where doll = woman = play on bride]

to beat hemp in prison; thus milldolling.

[UK]A. Smith Lives of Most Noted Highway-men, etc. I 141: Hard Labour in Bridewell, which beating of hemp the Thieves call Mill-Dolly.
[UK]Cibber Harlot’s Progress 11: Soon shall I see or hear, / Madam, in Bridewell, milling Doll.
[UK]Bloody Register I 125: The facts being plainly proved upon him, he was sent to Mill Doll (to beat hemp in Bridewell).
[UK]R. Tomlinson Sl. Pastoral 7: But now she mills doll, tho’ the greens are still there.
H. Lemoine ‘The Clever Fellow’ in Wit’s Mag. 155/1: A saucy, tip-slang, moon-eyed, hen, / Who oft’ mills doll at Block.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK]‘Bumper Allnight. Esquire’ Honest Fellow 154: When she came to the hempen block / [...] /She lim’d off her duds and mill’d doll in her smock, / [...] /But finding the hemp was damnable tough, / [...] /She threw off her smock and mill’d doll in her buff.
[UK]G. Hangar Life, Adventures and Opinions II 73: They were committed to the house of correction, and sentenced to mill doll.
[UK]G. Andrewes Dict. Sl. and Cant.
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[UK]Egan Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
[UK] ‘Her Muns with a Grin’ in Swell!!! or, Slap-Up Chaunter 50: A cut from the trine — or milldolling line — / Or a Sam darkly met.
[UK]Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open.
[UK]Duncombe New and Improved Flash Dict.